16 December 2009

Speaking of Faith with Rick Warren and Jim Wallis

So I haven't been listening to Speaking of Faith for a while. I don't know the topic just hadn't been that interesting to me, or maybe I was neglecting spiritual conversation.

Either way, I have just recently been listening to a two part series via pod cast that is just wonderful. Krista Tippett is interviewing "The New Evangelical Leaders" part one is with Jim Wallis, the author of God's Politics and Rick Warren author of Purpose Driven Life.

I need to listen to the one from Jim Wallis again:
The most wonderful part of this one for me was a moment at the end of the story. Jim is talking about the Bible he modified by literally cutting out all of the verses about the poor, and how the Bible people are reading is full of holes - if we ignore the poor in our lives of Christian service. Then he says the most powerful thing: "This is not about liberal or conservative, this is about the integrity of the Word of God." Amen.

I am about half way through the one from Rick Warren and I am very moved:
I think it is easy to think of Rick Warren as a bit of a pompous man. He has sold millions and millions of books - he reverse tithes (gives 90% of his income away and lives off of 10%) and wears funny shirts. But he told another story that was wonderfully self effacing. His wife had become very passionate about the AIDS epidemic in Africa and Rick was supportive but not involved. He went out to Africa with her, and actually led a Purpose Driven church conference. When he went out to see a local church in Africa, he found a church that only had a tent - it was 50 people, and they were caring for 25 orphans. It hit Rick that this church of 50 people was doing more to care for orphans than his Mega church was doing. He said "It was like a knife in the back." Preach it brother.